INTER AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT BANK…… PerformedProject consulting for affordable housing developments in Haiti, Jamaica and Guatemala.
EUROPEAN RECONSTRUCTION BANK……. Performed Project consulting for Pre-fabricated housing and infrastructure in Romania.
WORLD BANK…. Performed Project consulting for affordable housing developments in Angola and Republic of Congo
GERSON LEHRMAN GROUP (GLG)…….International consulting platform based in NY on staff consultant for real estate and construction matter.
ARCHITECTS…….Evaluate the plans and specifications and recommend changes if needed, performed estimating services and value engineering.
GENERAL CONTRACTORS……Construction management services, construction disputes, scheduling and estimating services.
REAL ESTATE DEVELOPERS……..Feasibility study, project budgeting, zoning and development regulations research and market analysis.
REAL ESTATE BROKERS………Inspection and valuation services
LAW FIRMS……..Expert witness services, Documentation of construction claims, delay damage analysis, Insurance claims and job injuries
INVESTORS……Feasibility study for potential developments, Analysis of existing buildings to be purchased by the investors, financial analysis of income properties, construction management, owners representative for purchase existing and new developments.
BANKS……Inspection for draws and completion of projects in default.
PROPERTY OWNERS……..Certification of buildings (40years) Construction contracts, inspections, quality control, expert witness, project valuation and material purchase
CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATIONS…….Request For Proposals (RFP) and job documentation, contract proposal evaluation, contract award, construction monitoring and reports, project completion report, post completion warranties, construction disputes and expert witness.
PROPERTY MANAGERS…….. Request For Proposals (RFP) and job documentation, contract proposal evaluation, contract award, construction monitoring and reports, project completion report, post completion warranties, construction disputes and expert witness.